Unigames Committee Meeting #43 - 16/01/2023

by Gibbi 16/01/23

Unigames Committee Meeting #43 - 16/01/2023

tags: committee meeting 2022


  • Emerald
  • Jackie
  • Connor
  • David
  • Josh
  • Chris
  • Alistair


  • Texas
  • Gibbi
  • Hannah
  • Everest


Meeting scheduled: 5:30PM

Meeting open: 6:15PM


President's Report (Emerald):

  • Hi Chris
    • Hi Emerald
  • I have returned from my home slumber and I've supplemented it with a carpark slumber.
  • Did some real action items this week
  • congratulations to WotC for returning to the fanbase with their tail between their legs like a kicked dog
    • hugely great week to be pathfinder though
  • happy Last of Us TV show released tonight to all women in love with Ashley Johnson

Vice-President's Report (Jackie):

  • watched the british blorbo LIVE and it was EXCELLENT
    • who let this gay slut of a man go that fucking wild with the lights and sound design???
    • the en
  • have drafted an email to send to tenancy for pin up board
  • ??????????????? Um
  • thinking about GM times
  • every week for 2 years i say to myself that this is the final busy week and i’ll be free-er than normal and then i lie

Treasurer's Report (Business Texas):

  • read the new wotc ogl
  • learned bash
  • joint camp is slowly killing me please free me
  • account balance: ???

Secretary's Report (Gibbi):

  • he's deapologies

Librarian's Report (Connyah):

  • Currently working on the Mörk Borg cover 👠
  • Also been a detective this week 😎

Fresher Rep's Report (Hannah):

  • I saw naruto vs Sasuke the board game recently and I still haven’t mentally recovered from that
  • otherwise it has been really rainy yet also hot over here in the void of Latin America so I hope y’all are having a bit of a better time
  • there’s nothing really happening apart from that ……..

Reports de la OCM (Chris, David, Everest, Josh):

  • Chris:
    • Community's your Discord
    • Forum time
    • Played some board games that were in the boxes of all time
  • David
    • Not at the dentist 🙁
    • Food run complete
    • Kamiz slaps
      • i went like 3-1
    • I love glup shitto movies
      • i do not like jar jar
    • His ass is OUT OF UNI this semester
  • Everest:
    • they're dead (apologies)
  • Josh
    • I am not at all worried about Paranoia
    • SNOM was good fun
    • House sitting has been great but I need my money ;-;
    • Eats spicy goodness, like a boss!

Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==34.5/44== Meeting
    • Panto Fringe Show. Come and see it

Past action Items:

Action Items:


Send out expression of interest form 40th anniverary (not done)

Reply to Leigh (done)

(with Connor) MORB BORG (I know thats not how its spelt) do cover (in progress)


Email new tenancy chair for pinnup board (in progress)


Do Snom announcement and EMP (done)

Write up emp and such for painting day holiday edition (not done)

Do final call announcement for playmats in the next couple days (done)

Figure out how to do things on website as to put minutes on blog (not done)


(with Emerald) MORB BORG (I know thats not how its spelt) do cover (in progress)


Write up announcement and emp for boardgames ASAP (done)

research implementation of- forums and community discord differences (done)


Do Paranoia Rpg things like announcement and EMP and remember to look behind you just in case (done)

Usual Suspects

Board Games

  • Presently Present this week boardgames - Friday - 13/01/2023 - 1PM
    • 3 attended, played some boxed board games
  • Valentine's themed boardgame night - Week of the 06/02/2023

    Connor: organize Valentine's themed boardgame night


  • Paranoia - 2pm on 24/01/2023

    • Merlin's running the game (Josh backup)
    • funky lowres poster
  • Potential rpg event schedule for Sem 1 2023

    • This would provide a nice balance of genres and mechanics between famous and niche games
    • Dnd event
    • Light RPGs
      • e.g. PbtA
    • Call of Cthulhu
    • Pendragon/Pathfinder
    • Spire/Heart
    • One page RPGs
  • Mutants and Masterminds - week of 20/02/2023

    Chris: Make some mutants and some masterminds (and the event i guess)

Panto Unigames Collab Event
  • not looking at it until fringe is nearly over

Magic: The Gavining

SNOM (A Number) - 15/01/2023 11am
  • Had about 12 attendees
  • Hi its me Gibbi
  • Was one of the larger SNOMS and ran rather long
New Phyrexia: All Will be One Prerelease - 05/02/2023
  • This is when it is and we got a confirmation email from tactics
  • Gibbi will pick up stuff when it comes in
  • Need to double check pricing with Jason

    Gibbi: Pick up ONE stuff when it is in

Gibbi: One Prerelease emp and announcement needs to be compleated


Painting Day - 01/02/2023 - 1PM
  • Come along! you don't have to bring your own paint or minis, we've got materials to use.

    Gibbi: Write up emp and such for painting day holiday edition

Gibbi: Contact Amelia Regarding Painting Day

Fresher Campaigns

Colour Camp - November 18th to 21st

  • waiting on other committees to aprove distribution

Uncharity vigil - 11/02/2022-12/02/2022

  • Current Start Date looking like 11/02/2022
  • First Meeting last Friday
  • $5 Door Entry
  • Raffle tickets + Door Prize
    • Budgeted $60 for Door prize
      • Unigames Committee suggests lowering the budget for the door prize to $50 (what it traditionally is)
      • We also want to clarify whether the Door prize is the prize for the raffle.
  • Josh doing graphic design
  • potential pizza order
    • we should feed our event attendees
  • Discussed auction items

Far Future Events

O-Day 2023 24th of February


  • Approved

  • Pending

  • Unsubmitted
    • $410.60 to David for food run



  • First Socpac 1st of February

Missing Money

  • No updates


General Business:

Custom Playmats

  • Playmat orders are in
  • Gibbi will be ordering the playmats today or tomorrow then sending invoices and payment details to people that ordered one. (Including Unigames)

Gibbi: Order Playmats and contact people for order confirmation

Westmarche 2

  • Next meeting next friday (renown time)

40th Anniversary

Emerald: Send out expression of interest form 40th anniverary - waiting for


  • No new gatekeepers


  • No new webkeepers

Room Update

  • Jackie hung up the awards
Pinup Board

Jackie: Email new tenancy chair for pin-up board


Emerald, Connor: MORB BORG (I know thats not how its spelt) do cover (in progress) Emerald, Connor: Learn how to repair boardgames

Library System

Food runs

  • did one


  • no updates

Committee Business

Gibbi: Figure out how to do things on website as to put minutes on blog

Ordinary General Meeting
  • Calling a meeting before freshers get here for constitutional amendments and other business
  • looking at early to mid-February
  • we'll officially call the meeting as soon as we can

    Jackie, Emerald: Organize OGM

Meeting closed: 7:28 PM