Unigames Annual General Meeting 03/03/2023

by Ethan Gibson 03/03/23

Unigames Annual General Meeting 03/03/2023

tags: committee meeting 2022, committee meeting 2023


  • Jackie Shan
  • Emerald Aindow
  • Ethan Gibson
  • Alex Bennett
  • Everest White
  • Hannah Niklaus
  • Christopher Leak
  • Freyja Dyson
  • Spider Newton
  • Fletcher Morrison
  • Christofle Sanskanparan
  • Angus Prosser
  • Elisabeh Vokes
  • William Spain
  • James Taylor
  • Mani Dashti
  • Grace Fowler
  • James Osborne
  • Andrew "Gozz" Gozzard
  • Taylor Home
  • Alistair Langton
  • Joshua Annison
  • David Giles
  • Connor Brennan
  • Patrick Burke
  • Nicholas Chainley
  • Michael Sidorenko
  • Lorenzo Iannuzzi
  • Jonathon Jarman

Meeting Scheduled: 1:00pm

Meeting Open: 1:31pm

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  • President's Report
  • Hello Gamers!

    • This year, I devoted a lot of my time towards pushing for mundane clubroom improvement, as well as managing the club like a good presidents should be.

    • This is mostly the work of lots of emails and phone calls and more emails when people don’t respond to your emails, but meaningfully meant that we got a new high end aircon, a custom gaming table and a wealth of new furniture items.

    • I’ve also been working with both last years and this year tenancy chair to push for cleaning up and repairing Cameron hall, which is already borne fruit!

    • In terms of major events, I ran Unigames camp with Jackie- Leading, cooking dinners and managing the fire

      • I then ran the dinners for Joint Camp, because cooking for 30 is hard
      • I also implemented the new Shepherd’s Pie dinner for the first time, to positive review!
    • When Luna was incapacitated in July, I picked up all the librarian duties and completed first semesters book buy.

    • I’ve done food runs and drink runs and furniture runs, and been worked as a second pair of hands when needed.

    • I also passed on the art of good board game repair, and wrote out a guide for all future librarians

    • I helped along our magic events through the year by acting as a box mule, picking them up when Gibbi couldn't

    • I made a morbillion dollars at role play!

    • Finally, Texas and I made half a dozen budgets for a prospective 40th anniversary ball, and all the research and emails that entailed. We are finally truly ready to make the expression of interest live, and that will go up[ right after this meeting!]

      • Lastly, I want to say that this committee has been brilliant to work with. I am so very proud of all of you, and impressed with how you've grown. I love you!!
  • Vice President's Report

    • hi everyone, reporting as officially your eepiest tiefling veepy!
    • as most of you know, i've been your suffering (out of love) vice president this year, here's a summary of what i've been up to in the last year:
    • this has been my 4th year on committee (i still have 100% meeting attendance)
    • managed gatekeepers, helped train our new generation of committee
    • worked on website things with donald
    • worked out rpg library entry into our website
    • bought back joint busy bees
    • graphic design-man
    • camp leader at ichor & incantations camp
    • clown quiz night darkmittee host
    • lots of trying to get our money back from guild, of which i've been half successful! we now have our best club award from 2020 that we won on my first year on committee, and with regards to the 2019 sem 2 grant corrections........ i'm now on SOC and am still working on it
  • Treasurer's Report

    • hello and good afternoon all. Its been a wonderful year and I have enjoyed being your treasurer, spending the money to better the club.
    • Starting off the year, I submitted our 2022 O-Day grant and received 459.50$ and then moved on to attempting to repair the previously broken aircon.
    • Unfortunately, due to inflation I had to increase the prices of several of our food purchasable most notably increasing the price of canned drinks from 80c to a dollar.
    • I helped organised and ran a number of events including: Colour camp, Ichor and Incantations camp (specifically the quiz), physics boardgame collab and Roleplay for life.
    • I also did a couple of food runs, a small amount of library entry and helped out at this year's O-day and last year's club carnival.
    • In terms of the Treasury, I applied for both semester grants, getting each seen in the financial statement along with the Aforementioned O-Day grant and heard nothing about the Envirogrant and an SPG for our new gamer table.
    • On the table, if you have not been into the clubroom yet, the largest purchase by far we have made this year was the new Gameway table for $6209 to give our members access to a proper and specifically designed table for boardgames, cardgames and RPGS
    • Lastly, our ending account balance is $4548.82
  • Secretary's Report

  • Librarian's Report

    • Hey y'all!
    • I begun this year as an OCM, and due to circumstances that occurred, I got elected within committee to takeover as Librarian!
    • I organised and ran multiple RPG/Boardgame events throughout the entirety of the year
    • I was on the subcommittee for Charity Vigil, where I dressed up as a cat maid, and learnt that too many pizza options on a pizza order only causes chaos
    • I drove for a'many food runs
    • As far as Librarian duties, I organised the book buy for second semester, I helped bring the library to both camps, I repaired some games with Emerald, and with a massive carry job by Jackie and David, entered all of our RPGs into the online database!
    • Overall, investing time into this club is the best decision I've made at Uni so far, and I've loved meeting and getting to know all of y'all here!
  • Fresher Rep's Report
    • hey I’m Hannah I was the fresher rep this past year
    • was the one that organized the fresher campaigns in both semesters
    • and also was the Prosh Marshall
    • otherwise helped out with fresher welcome and refresher rewelcome mostly through the advertising
  • OCM's Reports

    • Chris // initiative: 2 of 6
      • Hey! Ive had the pleasure of meeting a bunch of you over the past week, but for those I haven't met yet, I'm Chris!
      • Last year was my second year as OCM of Unigames, and I have continued to enjoy working with my fellow committee members, and also on occasion the other club committees.
      • Over the course of the year, I have organised a few oneshot and boardgames events such as the Boxed Board Games and the Heart One-Shot night.
      • I have also been on the subcommittee for the Joint Quiz night, and also helped run the Quiz on Unigames camp. Unfortunately, Covid got in the way of me helping run Larp at the joint camp.
      • Looking forward to another great year for Unigames and I wish luck to the next batch of OCMs. Y'all got this!
    • Everest // initiative: 6 of 10
      • Went on both camp food runs
      • Helped run joint camp, organised and presented camp quiz
      • Ran boardgames and RPG nights
      • personally fell in love with RPG o-day concept and working and hoping to make that a success
      • Organised a first aid course for committee and members, and step up the foundations of a continuous relationship between the club and the trainer, who has said he is happy to both run a session for committee and club members themselves, and also that if an individual was unable to attend, he will work to fit them into other training courses. (With the price under half of what guild offers)
      • ran less events than I would've liked to due to both parents becoming incapacitated for 10 weeks unexpectedly
    • David // initiative: 8 of 8

      • Ran numerous board gaming events, including:
        • Some online ones in COVID-stricken early 2022
        • and a few in person ones later on
      • Organised GMs and marketed for Roleplay for life (a 24 hour rpg marathon livestream)
        • may or may not have fallen asleep on stream during my oneshot several times
      • Helped out at Unigames Camp (both running LARP and in the kitchen)
      • Did some food runs and some clubroom maintenance (mainly helping out at busy bees and re-sticking down carpet tiles 💀)
      • Entered a significant portion of our RPG books into our website's library system, and sleeved up some of our card games
      • Began planning for our next West Marches with a few other committee members (basically a massively multiplayer drop in drop out dnd campaign)
      • And last but not least helped out at o-day and organised fresher welcome!
    • Josh // Initiative 90 of 100

      • Despite being in my position for only half a year, I have tried my best to get involved with as much as possible
      • I helped run a successful Uncharity vigil
      • I ran many RPG and board gaming events throughout the semester, and was involved in getting freshers into the club through the Fresher Welcome yesterday and O’day.
      • I ordered the minis, attended a couple busy bees, and ran multiple food runs, always willing to do a couple EMPs.

Immediate Past President's Report (Alistair):

  • Alistair has attended: ==39.75/50 Meetings
    • Been on committee long time finally leaving committee now seen many people grow and learn over past 5 years committee doing good job will contuinue to do so
    • Maybe i will finally make some degree progress
    • I am going no

General Updates

  • Upcoming Events:

Agenda Items

  • Motion for Taylor and Harry to be RO
  • Motion Passes
  • Motion to suspend Standing orders
    • Passes

General Business

  • Committee Elections


  • Candidates
    • Jackie Shan
    • Ethan Gibson
  • Jackie is elected president

Fresher Rep

  • Standing Nominations:
    • Gen Allen,
    • Fletcher Morrison,
    • Mani Dashti,
    • Nic Charmley,
    • Angus Prosser
  • Nic Charmley withdraws his nomination
  • William and Elise decline their nominations
  • Gen Allen is elected Fresher Rep

Vice President

  • Standing Nominations:
    • Ethan Gibson
  • Ethan Gibson is elected by default


  • Standing Nominations:
    • Connor Brennan
    • Freyja Dyson
    • Joshua Annison
  • Joshua Annison withdraws his nomination
  • Connor is elected treasurer


  • Standing Nominations:
    • Christopher Leak
    • Freyja Dyson
    • Joshua Annison
  • There is a 2 way tie between Chris and Josh
  • Joshua Annison is elected secretary


  • Standing Nominations
    • David Giles
    • Christopher Leak
    • Joshua Annison - Withdrawn
    • Connor Brennan - Withdrawn

OCM x 4

  • Standing Nominations

    • Christopher Leak
    • David Giles - Withdrawn
    • Freyja Dyson
    • Hannah Niklaus
    • Joshua Annison - Withdrawn
    • James Taylor
    • Mani Dashti
    • Angus Prosser
    • Fletcher Morrison
    • Spider Newton
    • William Spain Elected OCMs:
  • Chris Leak

  • Hannah Niklaus
  • James Taylor
  • Freyja Dyson

Standing orders are reinstated

Appointment of IPP

  • Emerald Aindow is IPP

General Business

  • Gozz raises the point of the 4th point of Jack Kay's Dnd motion to be brought up at OGM

Meeting closed: 3:43pm